Let's Cook A Chicken:

Shortly after everyone set up, the cooking began.

  In fact, I don't think I have ever been to a Filipino function where there was not food being prepared. 

In any case, the next thing you know trees were being chopped down and raw chickens were impaled upon a large sticks and put over the fire.

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Raw Chickens

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This is called cooking from scratch where you literally build the cooking utensils and fire at the same time.

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I was going to make fun of this fella, but considering the fact that he had a machete in his hand, and frankly, from the wood he was able to split with it, I was generally frightened.

I used my better judgment and refrained from making fun of him.

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Now, that a fire !

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Alex - cooking

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Alex, Andrew, Jeffrey and Ryan with their kill

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The preparation table.

Note, one of the legs is supported with a wooden post

Now that the food is prepared

Let's Eat !