Sue's & Todd's New Home - Best Features !

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Sue's Washing Machine  - What kind of washing machine soap do they use in Arizona ?

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The front hall bathroom - 

I bet the neighboors just love seeing Sue go out in her housecoat every morning to relieve herself !  How hot can that thing get in the afternoon in August ?

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Sue's rear bathroom.  I hope she wasn't in it when it came over.

 I told them to go for nails instead of glue, but she didn't listen.

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Sue's plant life. 

What did you expect, you live in the desert.  Everything looks dead and brown  !

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Correctional Facility

To cap it all off, just a stone throw away from Sue and Todd's house is the State of Arizona correctional facility !  We walked over and took pictures of of the criminals in their pink suits.


Sue's & Todd's New Home - Additional Features !